Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Good, Not Bad... Yet

We're on a fever watch again... : ( We called Logan's doctor when we discovered he had a temperature of 102. Dr. Rosen said to give him one dose of Tylenol and if the fever came back to call him and we would be back in the hospital. : ( & : ( On the other hand, Logan seems to be feeling well enough. The most distressing thing for him is his lack of hair. He's taken everything else in stride, but the hair loss had been a bitter pill to swallow. We tried to make today a fun day with a trip to Target for some hat shopping (and a new toy of course) and a stop at the dollar store for 5 shiny balloons but it all pales in comparison to his loss. Hopefully we won't end this downer of a day by ending up in the hospital (Logan says's its BORING!). Keep those positive thoughts coming our way.

Here is our newly balded-headed boy. Eric has offered to shave his head too but Logan has declined... I guess he doesn't want to look at his dad's naked head all the time!

Here is Logan's room all dressed up. Twinkle lights above. Mom and Dad's TV and VCR for now b/c little sister took his portable to KC. He has pillows, drinks, and snacks galore along with an entertainment basket with his DVDs, games, books, and puzzles.

Logan's first bath in 3 weeks!!!! He's been taking showers because of his catheter so this was a treat. To make it even sweeter we let him use "daddy's tub" and turn on the jets which make LOTS of bubbles!!!
I just HAD to add this one! He fell asleep on the couch during his antibiotic treatment clutching is brand new shooter. We may have a hard time talking him out of taking this one to the hospital.


  1. I think it would be a good idea to have a shooter in the hospital with you. Then you could shoot anyone that came through the door that you didn't want to see. News flash, I just heard that Hobby Lobby has rockets on sale; Seems like that would be a good use of resources. Amanda had a good time swimming today. She is QUEEN of the cannonballs according to her cousin Delaney. She even did more than Dillon. Love, Mom

  2. I think you look great Logan. I never would have guessed you had such a handsome head! We are looking forward to having Amanda and we plan on taking her swimming too.

  3. Logan really does look great with a clean shaven head! Maybe it'll "grow" on him in time! ;) We're thinking about you guys often and praying for a speedy recovery. Logan is blessed with two very awesome parents, he's a lucky kid!

  4. Logan, just so you don't forget, we have our Halloween campfire cookout coming up in the fall. I will need your help to drive the tractor back to the clearing to carry our firewood. We can't get it done without your help so when you get well, we will talk about other chores we must do before the cookout. Grandpa Alley

  5. Logan, I am totally diggin' the new do! It suits you well, buddy! Oh, and your shooter is pretty awesome. Shoot those fever bugs away, will ya?

  6. Hope his fever stays down so Logan can stay home. Still sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

  7. Logan, I think you look great! What a handsome dude you are. You know, your 2nd cousins Brandon, Ryan and Travis used to "buzz" their hair off every's so much cooler you know. I hope your fever will stay down now. We send you our love.

  8. Hey big brother! I think you look good.
