Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April CBC Results

WBC - 10.0
HGB - 12.8
PLT - 426
Segs - 55%
Lymph - 39%
Mono - 3%
Baso - 2 %
ESO - 1%

Looking good! Even better than last month. Go Logan, Go!!!

Still considered cancer free. 4 months down, 8 to go 'till we pass the very important first year milestone.


  1. Wow - those platelets sure took a jump. I don't really know what all the numbers mean (what's high/low/scary/good) but I have great faith in what "Dr, Neal" tells me!! It is just so exciting to see the whole family getting back to a more relaxed frame of mind.

    If I said to you guys - "Get the LEAD out" could that be considered text speak for get Logan/Eric/Amanda/Diane out here? Or we could use the code name DALE, or LADE, or . . . You guys have quite a few options with your initials you know. Oh Well - I love you all, doesn't matter which order you're in.

    Keep up the good work on the "Two Little Monkeys" it really does help me feel like I'm more in touch.

  2. Yes, the platlets did take a big jump. They were on the low side of normal last month and the high side of normal this month.

    Where do we need to go to get the LEAD out? : )
