Tuesday, November 24, 2009

High and Low

Logan's latest (revised) blood count is in:
White Blood Cells = 3.6 (YEA!)
Hemoglobin = 7.2 (TOO LOW!)
Platelets = 77 (SO SO)
Absolute Neutrophils = 2.0 (IN THE NORMAL RANGE !!!! YEA!!!)
So it looks like the the bone marrow stimulating shot did it's job to raise his white blood cell count. However his doctor is concerned about how low is Hemoglobin is so tomorrow we are heading back to the doctor for another blood count to check if he needs a transfusion before the holiday weekend.

1 comment:

  1. What can you feed him that is high in iron? Denise googled this list for you we took off the gross stuff.
    oatmeal; sesame` seeds; sweet potatoes; apricots; spinach; kidney beans; and sardines.
    We really don't think the sardines are a good idea but we had to leave one gross thing on the list
    Love to all Mom
