Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cross Your Fingers

Logan is feeling good this morning. His counts took a nice big jump from yesterday with white blood cells up to .8 (quadrupled!) and hemoglobin up to 9.5. No fevers since last night so if he can stay fever free until tomorrow, be will be going home! Keep those fingers crossed for us!

Yesterday, Eric brought the fixing for a graham cracker "gingerbread" house. I brought my camera to the hospital today to share our creation with you. This is the before shot of our beautiful house.
Then Logan wanted to eat the house...
Then he destroyed the cute little creation! See, I told you he's feeling better! : )


  1. Hey Diane, I didn't get a chance to chat w/ you at the church yesterday! I just now caught up on Logan's fever, I didn't know he had to make a trip back to the hospital. The pictures of him karate chopping his gingerbread how really do show he's feeling a little better. In the last photo, he looks pretty proud and tired of his efforts! :)

  2. Thanks, Sherry. I just went to set up the games then headed back to the hospital to be with Eric and Logan. Sorry to have missed you. We are very thankful that this is almost over. What a long journey this has been!

    And thank you to Tabitha too! We can use all the finger crossing we can get! : )
