Monday, September 28, 2009

Chemo Started Again Today

We were the the doctor's office for 4 hours today with the next round of chemo. Logan also got a spinal tap and did great. What a strong, brave little man. So far tonight he's not having any problems with the new drug, however we are on the look out for some cool green pee! (Apparently blue medicine and yellow urine make... GREEN!!!!!) : ) Logan is looking forward to that side effect. Eric will be administering the night dose at 10:00 as before. The only down side so far is that Logan will be missing his school field trip to the pumpkin patch that's on Wednesday. : ( We'll have to plan something fun to do after the doctor's visit to make up for it. Maybe the zoo or Exploration Place (Logan LOVES that place!) His class has offered to pick him out a pumpkin and bring it back to school. Gotta love those big hearts!


  1. Glad he's doing well so far. That's cool that the class tries to include him however they can. Take care.

  2. Bless all of those little ones. Does Logan get to go to school at all this week?
    Those spinal taps make grown-ups cry, what a trooper!
    Love to all

  3. Thanks for having the girls over the weekend.


  4. Vanessa, it was our pleasure. They 4 of them ran, jumped and played together and made things very relaxing for us.

    And to Mom, Logan may get to go to school on Friday if he's feeling well.

  5. Logan, We will miss you on the field trip tomorrow but you will be with us in our hearts. I will find you a great pumpkin that will be waiting for you when you return to school. Take Care!
    Mrs. Nicholson

  6. I am waiting for the update on the urine. Did it actually turn green? It is the science teacher in me...Kisses and Hugs too

  7. Logan has now practically peed a rainbow during his treatment. Red and orange in rounds 1-2, green and blue in round 4. Indigo and violet sound scary, so I am good if we stop here.
